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Portfolio Leagues: A Secure and Immersive Crypto Trading Game

  • Post published:July 10, 2023


Are you captivated by the world of cryptocurrency trading but concerned about the associated risks? Look no further! Welcome to Portfolio Leagues, an exhilarating crypto game that allows you to experience the thrill of trading without jeopardising your hard-earned funds. In this blog post, we will introduce you to the concept of Portfolio Leagues and demonstrate how it provides a secure and immersive experience for crypto novices.

What are Portfolio Leagues?

Portfolio Leagues is a unique crypto game designed meticulously for both beginners and enthusiasts. It empowers you to construct a simulated portfolio consisting of five cryptocurrencies and compete with other players within the league. The objective is to outperform fellow players’ portfolios using real-world market dynamics and seize genuine rewards in the form of USDT;  a stable-coin, pegged to the US dollar.

How to Play Portfolio Leagues

Create Your Virtual Portfolio

Start by selecting five crypto coins to create your virtual portfolio. Choose from a diverse range of digital currencies available on Kandle.

Compete and Maximise Your Portfolio’s Value

Engage in competition against other players to maximize the value of your portfolio within a two-minute timeframe. Utilize your crypto knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and gain an edge over your opponents.

Participate in Paid Leagues for Lucrative Rewards

For a chance to win up to 250 USDT, participate in paid leagues. Showcase your trading abilities and strategic thinking to emerge as a top performer and claim enticing rewards.

How Do Portfolio Leagues Work?

The mechanics behind Portfolio Leagues are simple yet effective. You handpick five cryptocurrencies to assemble your portfolio, choosing from a wide range of digital assets available on the platform. The performance of your portfolio is then compared against other players’ portfolios within the league, using authentic market data as a benchmark.

Levels and Stakes

Portfolio Leagues offer distinct levels tailored to accommodate players with varying degrees of experience and risk preferences. Let’s explore each level in detail:

Mega League : Chance to win 1000 USDT

Entry Fee : 1 USDT Reward : 1000 USDT

Kandle’s Mega League is the boss league, offering an impressive reward pool of up to 1000 USDT that grows with each new participant. Join this league to compete globally, win substantial rewards, and engage with fellow crypto enthusiasts.

HODL – Leverage Maximum Market Volatility  

The HODL League on Kandle offers users an enhanced trading experience, capitalising on market volatility more effectively than the Portfolio League, with a longer duration of 4 hours to implement strategies and compete for USDT prizes.

Level 1: Start Small with Great Potential

Entry Fee: 0.5 USDT Reward: 4.25 USDT

Level 1 serves as an ideal starting point for beginners venturing into the realm of crypto trading. With a nominal entry fee and a modest reward, this level allows you to test your skills, familiarise yourself with the gameplay, and minimise potential financial exposure.

Level 2: Embrace a Higher Challenge

Entry Fee: 2 USDT Reward: 17 USDT

Level 2 represents a progression from the introductory stage, appealing to individuals seeking a more challenging experience. With a slightly higher fee, this level enables you to elevate your risk tolerance and potentially secure more substantial rewards. It caters to those who aspire to test their abilities within a competitive environment.

Level 3: A Gateway to Seasoned Trading

Entry Fee: 5 USDT Reward: 16 USDT

Level 3 caters to seasoned players who possess confidence in their trading acumen. With an increased fee and the prospect of greater rewards, this level entices those who actively seek formidable challenges and aspire to reap higher returns. It is the perfect choice for individuals with a wealth of experience.

Level 4: Reach New Heights

Entry Fee: 10 USDT Reward: 24 USDT

Level 4 stands as the pinnacle of Portfolio Leagues. Designed for accomplished traders who crave the ultimate challenge, this level boasts a higher entry fee and offers the potential for substantial returns. If you possess unwavering confidence in your abilities and aspire to achieve significant gains, Level 4 is the ideal choice.

Level 5 : At the Top

Entry Fee: 100 USDT Reward: 250 USDT

Level 5 represents the epitome of Portfolio Leagues, tailored for exceptional traders seeking an unparalleled challenge. With a higher entry fee and the potential for remarkable returns, Level 5 is the ultimate choice for those with unwavering confidence in their abilities and a desire to achieve extraordinary gains.


Whether you are a newcomer to the world of crypto or an enthusiast in search of a secure and immersive platform, Portfolio Leagues presents an engaging and educational avenue to delve into cryptocurrency trading. Embark on your crypto journey today and unlock the excitement of Portfolio Leagues, where risk is minimised, and rewards are maximised.

Experience the thrill of trading without compromising your hard-earned funds and immerse yourself in a secure and competitive crypto gaming environment.

Join Portfolio Leagues and discover a new dimension of crypto trading enjoyment.

Note: For a deeper understanding, dive into our User Guide. It’s a valuable resource to explore all the features and functionalities of our project in detail.